Friday, August 12, 2011

List: Top 10 Scariest Enemies

Part 1: Numbers 10-6

       One of the more entertaining aspects of a game for me is its ability to scare the living crap out of me, especially when the game I'm playing isn't even considered to be survival/horror. It shows that the game offers up a great amount of variety. I've apparently had a number of encounters with enemies in games that terrify me to a degree of just turning it off and hiding in my room for the weekend, so this list is going to be twice as long. Most of the enemies in this list won't be from survival/horror games, but they are on here for a good reason. So, here are my list of top ten scariest enemies.
10. Angry Sun-Super Mario Bros. 3

        This guy is probably the worst thing to run into in Super Mario Bros. 3. Towards the end of the second world, you will come across an unmarked level that resembles quicksand on the map. When you begin the level, you first realize that you actually get to see the sun in this level, but why does he look so angry? He doesn't move the entire level until you reach the final stretch, and that is when the Angry Sun dive-bombs out of the sky straight towards Mario and spins around all through the air. It's a real tense situation that calls for quick reflexes and tight focus. Also, you can't kill this guy by jumping on him. You need a starman or a koopa shell to throw, and even then he's still difficult to kill because he's flying all over the place. And if one encounter isn't bad enough, you get to run from this guy again in the last world, except he comes out of nowhere at the very start of the level and chases you throughout its entirety. This was one early instance of surprise and sheer panic I had as a kid.


9. Ghasts-Minecraft

        I know people would say that if I choose an enemy from Minecraft, I should choose the Creeper, but that thing belongs in a whole different category (maybe most infuriating enemy). The ghast is the one that really creeps me out. Found only in "The Nether", these gigantic ghost/octopus things float around making weird baby noises. The first creepy thing about them is the noises they make don't have a distance limit within the game, which means no matter how far away you are, it will seem as if it's right behind you. This will more than likely cause a sense of paranoia when hearing its cry because you have no idea where it is. If you have the bad luck to run into these things, they will make a terrifying shriek as they hurl explosive fireballs at you. What puts ghasts towards the bottom of the list is despite their size, they're pretty easy to kill. Only two or three shots with your bow and arrow will put them down, and because of their massive size, its really hard for them to sneak up on you.

8. The Deerhaunter-Timespliters: Future Perfect

        This bizarre yet hilarious sub-boss appears in the Mansion of Madness level in Timesplitters: Future Perfect after fighting through ghosts, shotgun-wielding zombies, and giant, mutant, man-eating worms. After following a ghost into a hallway on your way to the attic, you become trapped in a room where more zombies begin to fall from the ceiling. After killing all the zombies from in the room, the seemingly harmless deer head on the wall starts moving around and its body crashes through the wall revealing a skinless body, hooks instead of front hooves, and the fact that it walks like a human. This crazy looking thing chases you around the room while trying to ram you with its antlers. This is one of the freakiest moments in the entire game.

(Skip to around the 5:08 mark in the video)

7. Metroids-Metroid series

         The notorious metroids are an enemy that really deserves having its own series of games named after it. These demon spawn are usually the main focus of the plot in Metroid game in one way or another, and in each game they are usually the hardest things to kill. These things are terrifying because of their ability to fly in attach themselves to Samus and almost instantly sap the life out of her. Their only weakness is ice, and are otherwise almost impossible to kill without the ice beam. Later on in the series, more variations of metroids appear such as the phazon metroids and dark metroids in the Prime trilogy. Some metroids evolve into enormous mosters, like the Omega Metroid from Metroid Fusion. These things are tough little pests that strike fear in the hearts of those who encounter them for the first time in whatever game they are in (even in Kid Icarus).

6. "Pinky" Demon-Doom series

        Running into this guy for the first time is absolutely terrifying. If you don't know, the pink colored demon from the Doom series is one of the most recognizable characters. The "pinky" demon looks kind of like a flesh colored bull with yellow eyes that can stand on its hind legs. He can't shoot fireballs or anything like that, but he is super difficult to kill and can somehow turn invisible! This thing also loves to come in at the most inconvenient times, like when you're out of ammo and about to die, a secret door opens up to reveal a whole swarm of them charging straight for you. Better say your prayers.

        That's it for the first half of this list. Check out the second part of the list right here.

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