Saturday, August 13, 2011

List: Top 10 Scariest Enemies

Part 2: Numbers 5-1

        In case you missed out on part one, just click right here. If you're awesome and already read that, then skip all of this and scroll down for the top five.

5. The Mad Piano-Super Mario 64

        I've realized a similarity between Nintendo and Disney, that is that both companies gave me nightmares when I was younger. Disney had Dumbo's acid trip, pink elephants and half of Fantasia while Nintendo has levels in Mario that involve evil suns and Boos. Super Mario 64's "Big Boo's Haunt" level was probably the most terrifying level in the whole game. The Boos have that creepy laugh, books try to eat you, and giant eye balls shoot blobs at you. But the scariest thing in the game, scarier than Bowser himself, lies within a small room located in the very bottom left corner of the mansion's entrance area.
        Upon entering, you see a red coin floating behind a seemingly harmless piano. "That's probably the easiest red coin to get," you think to yourself, "I'll just go over there an- HOLY CRAP!" The piano springs to life chomping at you with enormous teeth! Well if you were me, you would have high-tailed it out of there without looking back. I was actually to afraid to go back into the room the first time it jumped at me. It took me a whole lot of courage to actually get the star for collecting the eight red coins, because it involved going into that room and confronting that piano.

4. Fast Zombie-Half Life 2

       Half-Life 2 has a whole bunch of terrifying monsters in it. With enemies ranging from aliens, to robots, to zombies, to everything in between, it can be difficult to choose just one to represent the game, but I know what enemy I hate running into the most because it freaks me out so much. The fast zombie is the result of a genetically altered headcrab latching onto a human which it can then control and slowly consume. When a fast headcrab latches onto a human the result is a fast zombie.

       Aside from having no skin and a headcrab for a head, the fast zombie also has the ability to run like a cheetah and jump across twenty to thirty foot gaps. The first encounter with these guys is in the "We Don't Go to Ravenholm..." chapter which is full of other zombies to begin with, but these guys are slow and just throw things at you. Things go from bad to worse when you see some fast zombies jumping from roof to roof in the distance during your conversation with the lone resident of Ravenholm. They make the most awful noise and pounce at you. They can even climb buildings just in case you try to out-smart them. Pretty much the only thing you can do to get rid of these guys is to aim for the head.

3. Deathclaws-Fallout series

        I wonder what would happen if you take the toughest and most intimidating animals on the planet and fused them all together with a Jackson chameleon. Well, I guess all I need to do is play any of the Fallout games to see. Originally created by the American government for military special operations, the deathclaw eventually became one of the most dangerous beings in the Fallout universe. That's pretty easy to tell just by looking at it. 

        Deathclaws are enormous mutated killing machines that roam the wastelands of America after the nuclear apocalypse. They basically resemble a demon, and with huge claws and horns packed with their gigantic size, great speed, and jumping length, they can be the toughest things to kill. If you don't come prepared when entering their territory, you'll quickly be turned into dinner. What you need is a partner (I suggest Fawkes in Fallout 3) and a quick way to cripple their legs in order to reduce their speed (the Dart Gun in Fallout 3).


2. The Witch-Left 4 Dead series


        Anyone whose ever played Left 4 Dead with me knows that I really don't like the witch and just about everyone I've played Left 4 Dead with deliberately runs toward her just to irritate me. This little she-devil scares the crap out of me, and I just don't want to deal with her if I can avoid it. But, my friends are jerks and love getting into trouble. 

        What I hate about this terror is that she wanders around crying the creepiest cry you've ever heard, and if you're dumb enough to see why she's crying, she'll go bananas on you and try to rip your flesh off with her nine inch nails. In Left 4 Dead, when your health drops to zero you're knocked down and slowly die unless someone saves you. In the case of the witch one slice with her viscous claws will put you down, which allows her to wail on you as you slowly lose consciousness. Sure, you get special recognition if you kill her, but in the fight for survival is it really worth going out of your way to get it?

1. ReDead-The Legend of Zelda series

        Hey! Another zombie! That's right, folks, my scariest enemy in all of video games is the ReDead. This nightmare engine has tormented me ever since I ran into it in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And with every console game after that, I still get a panic attack whenever I see one. The ReDead tops the list because unlike all the other creatures on this list, the terror never has died down. I'm almost twenty years old, and this thing still freaks me out and has since I was eight.

        The redeads are terrifying because of their rotting appearance and their ways of attacking. You can always tell if you're near a redead if you hear a low, ominous moan that fills the entire room. If you make to much noise or get to close to them, they'll spot you and let out a terrible scream that comes straight out of a horror movie. This horrible scream will paralyze Link in fear, and the redead will slowly make his way over to him and climb on top of Link and begin to munch on his head. The only way to get free is to mash the life out of the A and B buttons, and once you're free, just start slashing away with your sword. They have weaknesses which I highly suggest figuring out before facing them, and remember to be knowledgeable of your surroundings. 

(Bonus video!)

        Well, there you have it. My opinion of the most terrifying enemies in all of video games. If you disagree, or want to acknowledge any others, feel free to do so in the comments. Now, I'm going to get a flashlight, and watch a funny movie.

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