Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Review: And Yet It Moves

Short, Sweet, and to the Point
        And Yet It Moves is another interesting indie game that gives a unique twist to the traditional two-dimensional platforming formula. It's a strange game that revolves around tilting the level around in order to progress to the end. Although this game tries something new, it can get frustrating towards the end, and may not hold the attention of some players. 

        And Yet It Moves is neat little game developed by the small indie company, Broken Rules. This game is set entirely within a world made completely out of paper machete and pictures that look as if they were torn straight from a National Geographic. In this world you guide your pencil-sketched guy to the goal by flipping the world around on its sides. This mechanic is used throughout the game to help in platforming, and puzzle-solving. If there is a jump that seems impossible to make, all you need to do if flip the world upside down and run along the ceiling. Or, if there is a space that seems to small to squeeze through, just flip the level on its side and fall through the crack. It's a creative gameplay element that gives the player a new perspective on the situation at hand. 

It's like a scrapbook come to life!

       The game can get a tad frustrating at times due to how flipping the world operates. Whenever you choose to flip the world around, you become frozen as the world spins around. This becomes a problem later on in the game when platforms move and spin on there own, and don't freeze with you when the level rotates. This caused me to be catapulted off a ferris wheel segment more times than I like to admit. The checkpoints are generous and don't send you back to far, but some can be positioned in bad spots. In one instance, I died three times within a five second period because a pile of boulders had covered the spawn point entirely, leaving me helpless.
        And Yet It Moves lasts only a few hours which means it doesn't begin to drag on after it loses its charm. It has a cool and sometimes trippy art syle with a suitable soundtrack along with a clever yet simple take on platforming. Even though it has its problems, And Yet It Moves is an enjoyable little game.

Final Verdict: 7.75/10

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