Saturday, April 14, 2012

List: Top 10 Favorite Video Game Soundtracks Part 1

Numbers 10-6

        The film industry has those certain movies that have a soundtrack that is instantly recognizable to almost everyone. Everyone is familiar with the loud brass of Inception and remembers Dick Dale's Misirlou playing during the opening credits of Pulp Fiction. At least one thing that movies and video games have in common is the memorable soundtrack. There are many games with fantastic soundtracks, and I am going to list my favorite ten. Throughout the list, I'll give notable examples of why a particular game's soundtrack is my favorite, and then show off my favorite song in that game. They may not be the greatest video game soundtracks, but they are my favorite.

10. Red Dead Redemption

        Red Dead Redemption  has some awesome western sounding music. The game's soundtrack is the last little touch to help fully immerse the player into the early twentieth century, west Texas landscape. The best parts of this soundtrack come in the pivotal points during the story, and help make these moments even more special. First there is the bizarre, surf-rock, zombie-slaying anthem,  Voodoo which plays towards the end of the Undead Nightmare expansion. Next, there is the game's take on Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. But the one that everyone knows from this game is Far Away, the simple little song that plays during your first visit to Mexico.

9. Portal 2

        The first Portal gained quite a bit of popularity for its music among some other things. While Portal had Still Alive as its only note-worthy song, Portal 2 had so much to offer for the soundtrack. It's weird, glitchy, and ominous. It can be subtle and discreet or loud and bombastic. It has songs that are beautiful and compelling and songs that are just as catchy as most pop music. This soundtrack has it all. Of course, the song that's most associated to this game is the credits song, Want You Gone. Just like the original, Portal 2's best song plays at the very end of the game. Its the best song, but it had some stiff competition.

8. Guitar Hero 2

        Back in 2006, the Guitar Hero franchise was on its way to superstardom. The music/rhythm genre started to attract the masses without Dance Dance Revolution as it was close to becoming a cultural phenomenon starting with Guitar Hero II. As the sequel to this game has proven to be the most popular, this game has arguably the best collection of songs in the series.

        The game opens up with the killer Shout at the Devil by Mötley Crüe, and only gets better from there. Midway through, players play through Guns 'N Rose's classic, Sweet Child O' Mine, and towards the end of the game, Reverend Horton Heat greets players with the brutally difficult, Psychobilly Freakout. Guitar Hero II was also not afraid to get a little silly with songs like Spinal Tap's Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight, Deathklok's Thunderhorse, and Strong Bad's Trogdor. But the end of the game is where ultimate bliss is reached thanks to the most requested song in rock history, Free Bird.

7. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

        The Elder Scrolls series is known for its epic and atmospheric soundtrack, and none of the games in the series represent that more than the latest game, Skyrim. The land of the Nords takes influence from the real world Norse way of life. The land of Skyrim is cold, harsh, and unforgiving and is reflected in the game's music. One of the most recognizable tracks is the theme for Whiterun, the geological and trade center of Skyrim. Draonsreach also has a memorable theme that depicts the serious and silent nature of the Greybeards. Close to the end of the main story, the player enters Sovengarde, the realm where only the righteous Nords move on to after death. The music for this world is a constant build as the player makes their way to the final battle against Alduin. The best song in Skyrim (which is also the best in all of the games since Morrowind) is the main theme.

 6. Mega Man 2

        A game that everyone remembers the music to, Mega Man 2 has the kind of fast, catchy, and adrenaline fueled tunes that are necessary for blasting robot masters. Everything about it is pure chiptune euphoria, but that can be said about all of the NES Mega Man games. There's something special and more memorable about Mega Man 2. All of the levels have a unique theme that helps bring out the characteristics of each robot master. The best of those themes are Quick Man, Flash Man, and Wood Man. The most recognizable theme in the game is the Intro theme, which is played while Mega Man looks out into the city from a skyscraper. All of these themes are great, but my absolute favorite from the entire game has to go to the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle.


        That's all for the first half of my favorite video game soundtracks. Click right here to check out the next five on the list.   

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